自從第一波 iPhone 6S 在美國預購至今,尚未到開賣的09/25前,當然還不會有一般人實際拿過它;不過,蘋果卻邀請一位攝影師 – Kevin Lu 帶著最新的 iPhone 6S 參與今年的「紐約時尚秀(NYFW)」呢!
關於“參加時尚秀”這件事情,就讓人想到前年 iPhone 5S 的廣告,也是參與類似的活動;相信這就是蘋果想展現 iPhone 6S 相機實力的好時機吧!
另外,攝影師 Kevin Lu 接受了 Vogue 的採訪。
節錄自 Vogue 的報導:
“It’s a lot quicker, so I can get more shots that I want, so I don’t miss much,” Lu tells Vogue.com of the phone’s responsiveness.
“I also do videography, so the 4K video is really helpful because the quality is absolutely insane on a mobile phone and you can see a lot of detail.”
While Lu is a professional whose photos have been featured in Apple campaigns, he believes the new update will make it even easier for amateur snappers to get top-shelf shots.
“With a 12-megapixel camera, you can really get some incredible details, and you can zoom in a lot closer when you need to.”
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